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Tâche du Bâti - 2016

Occupation urbaine en Normandie basée sur la BDTOPO Edition 161 de 2016

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Field Value
Source http://data4citizen-ckan:5000//dataset/fr-120066022-jdd-6030d098-0e81-4e77-93f7-9756e17a3971
Last Updated February 14, 2025, 10:36 (UTC)
Created February 14, 2025, 10:36 (UTC)
access_constraints ["Pas de restriction d'acc\u00e8s public selon INSPIRE"]
bbox-east-long -1.94671524
bbox-north-lat 50.07114792
bbox-south-lat 48.18009186
bbox-west-long 1.80265903
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "revision", "value": "2024-12-04"}, {"type": "publication", "value": "2024-12-04"}, {"type": "creation", "value": "2024-12-04"}]
edition_security {"roles":["administrator"],"users":["*16*","*6*","*21*","*14*","*13*","*1*","*3*"]}
guid fr-120066022-jdd-6030d098-0e81-4e77-93f7-9756e17a3971
harvest_object_id 54979b3e-4223-415d-863b-30391a877ee8
harvest_source_id 7735477d-81c9-42d0-b821-18f301afd7c8
harvest_source_title DREAL Normandie - GéoIDE
licence []
lineage Numérisation des tâches de bâti depuis la BDTOPO Edition 161 (2016) pour en déduire l'occupation urbaine
metadata-date 2024-12-04T18:38:41.263+01:00
metadata-language fre
progress historicalArchive
resource-type dataset
responsible-party [{"name": "DREAL Normandie (Direction R\u00e9gionale de l'Environnement, de l'Am\u00e9nagement et du Logement Normandie)", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[1.80265903, 48.18009186], [-1.94671524, 48.18009186], [-1.94671524, 50.07114792], [1.80265903, 50.07114792], [1.80265903, 48.18009186]]]}
spatial_harvester true