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BD ORTHO® Historique de Basse-Normandie en 1947

Le produit BD ORTHO® Historique est une collection de mosaïques numériques d'anciennes orthophotographies panchromatiques (niveaux de gris) rectifiées dans la projection adaptée au territoire couvert.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source http://data4citizen-ckan:5000//dataset/ccbb6d15-2a60-480d-945d-4b9abd85e5e3
Last Updated March 14, 2025, 16:45 (UTC)
Created March 14, 2025, 16:45 (UTC)
access_constraints []
bbox-east-long .958
bbox-north-lat 49.897
bbox-south-lat 48.193
bbox-west-long -2.294
coupled-resource []
data-format [{"name": "ECW", "version": "1.0"}, {"name": "TIF", "version": "6.0"}]
dataset-language ["fre"]
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "publication", "value": "2011-01-01"}]
edition_security {"roles":["administrator"],"users":["*25*","*13*","*16*","*26*","*27*","*14*","*19*"]}
equivalent-scale []
frequency-of-update irregular
guid ccbb6d15-2a60-480d-945d-4b9abd85e5e3
harvest_object_id 1f16058d-0fca-44cf-b61f-19394cc14b78
harvest_source_id 1801f8fb-3cb0-40c8-ad57-cbdd0c9cd7bc
harvest_source_title GeoNormandie local - Reprise
keyword-inspire-theme ["BASSE-NORMANDIE", "Ortho-imagerie", "Occupation des terres"]
licence ["Base de donn\u00e9es soumise aux conditions g\u00e9n\u00e9rales d'utilisation des fichiers IGN"]
lineage Produit par l'Institut Géographique National (IGN-F)
metadata-date 2013-04-03T15:29:36
metadata-language fre
progress onGoing
resource-constraints []
resource-type series
responsible-organisation-0 {"individual-name": "", "organisation-name": "Institut G\u00e9ographique National (IGN-F)", "position-name": "", "contact-info": {"phone": "", "email": "", "city": "SAINT-MANDE cedex", "postal-code": "94165", "address": "IGN - Service Clients", "online-resource": ""}, "role": "pointOfContact"}
responsible-party [{"name": "Institut G\u00e9ographique National (IGN-F)", "roles": ["pointOfContact"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-2.294, 48.193], [0.958, 48.193], [0.958, 49.897], [-2.294, 49.897], [-2.294, 48.193]]]}
spatial-reference-system RGF93 Lambert 93
spatial-representation-type grid
spatial-resolution 0.50
spatial-resolution-units m
spatial_harvester true
topic-category ["imageryBaseMapsEarthCover"]