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Réseau limicoles côtiers : Baie des Veys/littoral Est Cotentin (2000)
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Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | http://data4citizen-ckan:5000//dataset/2180_reseau_limicoles_cotiers__baie_des_veys_littoral_est_cotentin_ |
Author | JF.Elder et E Caillot |
Last Updated | October 8, 2024, 14:25 (UTC) |
Created | October 8, 2024, 14:25 (UTC) |
booklet | 1 |
cote | ENV0350 |
dataset_size | 13.650424003601074 |
edition_security | null |
iconography | ["Cartes","Graphiques","Photographies","Tableaux"] |
img_backgr | |
language | fre |
mention_legales | ["Libre de droit"] |
methodology | ["Inventaire(s)"] |
page | 82 |
period | 2000 |
primary_area | Baie des Veys, côte est du Cotentin |
producer | Réseau Limicoles côtiers |
responsible-organisation-1 | {"organisation-role":"pointOfContact","organisation-name":"PNR Parc Naturel R\u00e9gional des marais du Cotentin et du Bessin ","contact-info":{"email":"","individual-name":"","position-name":null,"phone":"0233716530","address":null,"postal-code":"","city":"","country":""}} |
responsible-organisation-2 | GAUTIER Nicole |
themes | ["milieux_physiques_paysages_biodiversit"] |
typology | ["Etude th\u00e9matique"] |